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Diocese of Phoenix Cursillo Movement

General Palanca

What is Palanca?

    Palanca is the Spanish word for lever - it is the action by which we lift the the candidates and others to God with our intercessory prayers, sacrifices, and works of mercy.

What is a Palanca letter?

    A Palanca letter is one that is sent to the candidates and team, informing them of the prayers and sacrifices that we are offering to God on their behalf. 

    Please leave your General Palanca below. This will be tabulated and sent in Palanca letters to candidates and teams all over the US and the world, including the weekends at Mt. Claret. Click "Submit" when you are done filling out the form.

If you are interested in seeing the list of coming weekends in the US,

please go to National Cursillo USA Palanca.

General Palanca