Precursillo and Postcursillo
Check the calendar for upcoming Ultreyas and School of Leaders
Cursillistas and non-Cursillistas are invited to Ultreya. Ultreya is a means of encouraging each other in faith, sharing our lives in friendship, living out Christianity within a community, and supporting each other as we follow the path of our everyday life. It is an essential component of perseverance in the 4th day.
It begins with a floating group reunion, continues with a short lay witness, and is followed up with a summation by a Spiritual Advisor. Come and renew the Spirit of community that you were blessed with when you lived your weekend. And bring friend who might be interested in Cursillo; it is a way to experience Cursillo before living the weekend.
School of Leaders
Every Cursillista is welcome to School of Leaders. For the tine being, meetings will be held virtually on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Information for joining the meeting can be found on the Calendar Page.
Each meeting begins with Group Reunion and a chance to be inspired with the sharing of the great things that the Holy Spirit is doing in our lives. Learning in the traditional sense comes from the Technique and Doctrinal talks. Technique focuses on the ins and outs of the method; doctrine focuses on our spiritual connectedness to the church. The work of the committees which follows is about “doing” the things that must be done and the planning that must precede the doing. The meeting ends with committee reports and a final blessing.
If you are someone who wants to give back to Cursillo because the Movement has been such a blessing to you, the School of Leaders is a place for you to get involved. If you are seeking to get your Cursillo flame relit by waiting for a phone call to work the next team, you have another option: come to the School of Leaders and participate in a continual team formation.